Monthly Archives: September 2009

Latest Beauty Trend: Hot Lips- Bright Colors

I admit– when it comes to make-up I tend to play it safe. I’m not one to experiment with daring eye shadows,  but what I do tend to gravitate towards are bright, candy-colored lips! I LOVE this look and while I know it may not work for everyone I will share my technique and perhaps you can play with different lip colors and make it your own.

First you need to start with a perfect canvas- in this case foundation or powder. I waited three long weeks for Sephora to get their shipment in with the new line of Bare Escentuals matte foundation in ‘tan’, and it was worth the wait… This matte powder is perfect for the Florida heat. While I sometimes like that “glow” or “dewy” look, in this heat it can easily be mistaken for sweat. With this matte powder, that will never be an issue. Having the basic part of my make-up regiment under control (my canvas) my next step is the eyes… I prefer a shimmery beige to highlight the eyes and brighten them up. Since I love the bright lip look, I keep the eyes simple with a light eyeshadow and use Chanel’s liquid eye liner on the top only! (keep it simple!) I finish the look with my ‘Diorshow’ mascara and the eyes are done… The last- and most important part- are the lips, I love a classic red shade or even a bright plum. Definitely keep in mind your outfit when choosing your bright lip color. Your lip color should vary according to your skin tone but I definitely recommend testing different shades you wouldn’t normally try, you’d be surprised how fabulous it will look! (Don’t be afraid)

The key to this look is to keep the eyes classic and simple. The main focus should be on the lips. It’s a fabulous look year-round and the perfect way to transform your make-up from day-to-night!

Even when wearing minimal make-up, a t-shirt and jeans; adding a pop of color on your lips instantly changes your overall appearance and makes you look chic. The best part– it takes two seconds to apply…


*My next Sephora purchase will be a new fuchsia  lipstick by Dior, I’ve been eying it  all week…

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Filed under beauty, fashion, make-up trends, Style

Fall Fashion- A Bit of Everything

I’ve been thinking about what’s in style this fall, and I think fall fashion is a bit of everything this year. The other night I wore my plaid shirt (the one you see in all my photos) with my faux leather pants from Bebe, and my snakeskin Michael Kors- thick strapped heels. It sounds like a mess but the final outcome was brilliant. I loved it. I’ve never been to fond of being matchy-matchy but I think the style this season gives me even more freedom to be a bit more daring. I would definitely recommend mixing pieces and accessories that you normally wouldn’t. Since my shopping funds have depleted I have had to be more creative using the wardrobe I already have- and I have to say I’m having fun with it.

Another easy way to re-vamp any outfit is to add tights or different textured skinny’s, this fall there are no limits– lace, vibrant colors and even sequins! (yes- sequins pants…Kate O’Keefe is a fan) The more daring you are the better. I know for some of you it won’t be easy to wear leather pants, studded boots or sequins pants, instead just try accessorizing with these styles!

Kate's sequence jacketplaid shirtleather pants

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Filed under fashion, Style

To All Shoe Enthusiasts!*compliments of Alison Couture*

I have  just been introduced to a really great web-site for all shoe enthusiasts that love designer shoes at half the price! Enjoy- and thank Alison!

Food Candy

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Filed under fashion, Style

Know Your Worth

After graduating in December 2007 things have not gone according to my “Master Plan” . As we all know I am still working on finding that “glam” job however in the mean time I have run into a few discouraging situations. I know those of you that have been equally unfortunate and have had to search for a job in this economy understand that after months of searching and many rejections you can’t help but think that it’s a reflection on you personally. It’s very easy to become frustrated and to begin to doubt yourself. I know first hand. However, through all the doubting I was reminded this weekend that it is imperative to “know your worth”.

I agree and think it’s vital to know your worth because not only are job seekers struggling but businesses are too. Unfortunately that will reflect on the hiring process and what employers are willing to offer and ask of their employees. Some of us will take jobs that we are not satisfied with, some of us have taken significant pay cuts to get by, others have been fortunate enough to maintain their current positions. Regardless of the case or situation when I sat there and thought of all my accomplishments and skills I’ve acquired throughtout these years, and what I could offer to a future employer I felt a bit more in control. To know my worth made me feel a bit more empowered.

I bring this topic up because,unfortunately, whether it’s society or my own pressure- I have become obsessed with finding my “dream” job and I’ve forgotten that in the grand scheme of things, our jobs do not determine who we are. (That’s something I’m still working on.)

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Filed under Life

My “Must Have” Boots for the Fall/Winter

While reading through all my publications (mags) this month I came across the most beautiful pair of boots. I’ve been dreaming up these boots in my head for months, and I have finally found them! I know we’ve all experienced that phenomenon where we have the perfect image of what we want- be that shoes, boots a dress or a bag. However, when we finally give in to the urge to shop that vision is never to be found…it’s probably one of the most frustrating feelings in the world.

Well, for once I found it and I have to share it with everyone! The boots are edgy looking and I can dress them up or down. I am already convinced that I NEED these embellished boots- they come in three different colors: black, red and blue. I think I may be a bit more daring this season and get them in blue! What do you think?

blue boots


Filed under Style

Oscar Blandi is my favorite!

If anyone has been fortunate enough to have discovered ‘dry shampoo’ years ago–consider yourself lucky. Maybe I just missed the memo but since I discovered Oscar Blandi’s ‘dry shampoo’ powder, I can’t stop using it or talking about it!! I carry the ‘travel size’ bottle in my bag and I have been known to demonstrate how it magically gives my hair volume during various types of social gatherings. I’m not sure that it’s appropriate- but I just want to share it with every one I meet!

Since I was introduced to Oscar I have shaved at least 30 minutes from my morning prep-time! That is precious sleeping time and anyone that is not a morning person will surely benefit from a little Oscar. It absorbs the excess oil so that you don’t need to wash your hair everyday (because that’s bad for your hair anyway).

I find that my hair usually looks best the second or even the third day after washing it-as long as I use Oscar. I prefer the powder because when you use the spray it wets your hair and you have to wait until it dries to “fluff” or style-which just takes way too long for my liking.

* I always get mine at Sephora



Filed under beauty

Why did I agree to do this?!

I’m the type of person that likes to conquer my fears (or so I like to think). For some reason I find myself agreeing to do things that I am completely petrified to do. Probably because they are things that prove I’m confident and things that I one day hope to be really good at, but for now…I can definitely admit I am not.

I can’t control the fact that I put myself in this position time and time again. My mouth opens up and I volunteer to take on tasks that I know for a fact give me anxiety! Like public speaking, or say… an online radio show… or cold calling! All things that many people steer clear from because all of the above make you vulnerable to rejection, embarassment and most of all panic attacks.

Today I agreed to take on one of these tasks, and as I sat on my chair, drinking my iced coffee I turn on my computer and it finally hit me! This entails cold calling absolute strangers. It was like I knew what I was getting into the whole time but I didn’t REALLY think I would have to (don’t ask why). Once I realize this my body goes into a state of shock and nervousness kicks in. I break out in hives, I start panicking, a million things run through my head but mostly I always ask myself WHY DID I EVER AGREE TO DO THIS??AND NEVER AGAIN!!

However, I have yet to learn my lesson to stop myself from selflessly volunteering to take on the ‘daring’ jobs and here I sit contemplating what tomorrow will bring- having first a radio interview, and then some more cold calling which I will obsess over for the rest of the night!

I keep hoping it gets easier with every experience… So far, that hasn’t been the case-I still panick.

*On the up-side, once done with these tasks I feel a sense of accomplishment!


Filed under Life