Monthly Archives: February 2010

“If You Have To Cry- Go Outside”

Whoever thought I would look forward to Mondays? Of course it’s Monday NIGHT that I’m actually excited about- I’ve been watching Kell On Earth since the premier aired on Feb 1st and I’m hooked. I’m obsessed with Kelly Cutrone-seriously, she’s the epitome of “cool”.  🙂

So… when I found out she had a new book published I had to go get it. I’m pretty sure I thought I would read about her secrets and insight to succeeding in the PR industry, or maybe a way to “toughen up”- after all, the book was called “If You Have To Cry Go Outside and Other Things Your Mother Never Told You.”

To my surprise I never read of any secret tools or ways to be more bad ass. After reading the first chapter I knew that this book was not what i had in mind. Kelly makes it clear on pg 6 stating, “I’m not here to tell you how to get the perfect Margiela wardrobe, the perfect man, or the perfect job in fashion.” she continues… ” I want to help you awaken your inner voice-the voice of your soul- and I want you to use it to chase your destiny” I thought, strange… but I’m intrigued. I continued reading and I absolutely love it. It’s so raw and she really opens up about her life and what she’s been through- down to her $100 a day coke habit!

I certainly found some of her situations and life experiences shocking but it was refreshing to read about her journey and how she got to be one of the biggest names in the PR Fashion industry. It was empowering-just in a different way.

*I should have known it wasn’t a Fashion book because you can find it in the “Self-Help” section of the book store. 🙂


Filed under fashion, Life, Style

Menswear For Women

I am absolutely loving the “menswear for women” trend. I get bored with my closet very easily and when I need something new all I have to do is look in Aaron’s closet! (I’ve been stealing his V-necks for months now)

So far I’ve made subtle additions to my wardrobe with menswear, mainly keeping it casual, but when Kate asked me what I thought of the menswear look for the office I wasn’t surprised. Leave it to Kate to be the first (that I know of) to completely embrace this trend and make it her own. By mixing her Kenneth Cole tie with a fitted blouse and pencil skirt she balanced out the menswear style with a feminine touch- add an over-sized sweater and the look was complete!

Her inspiration was the “work shop” section on the J Crew web-site (take a look). I love it Kate!!!

p.s. love the shoes too! (Hi Bridie)


Filed under fashion, Style

Tangerine Lips

Ok… so I was flipping through the glossy pages of Marie Claire and I saw the make- up from Prada’s Spring 2010 runway show and I fell in love with orange. Who knew tangerine lips could look so cool! At first I was skeptical too… not sure how it would translate to the “real world” but I went to Sephora and got their newest poppy/tangerine shade (it’s called “It Girl 06“) and while most would say it’s a bit much, don’t knock it ’til you try it.  From the Prada runway to real-life… See! It translates well. 🙂

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Filed under beauty, fashion, make-up trends