
My “Powder Room” was created as a means to channel my fashion addiction and share my opinion/research on the latest trends and my latest finds. I have a weakness for glossy fashion publications and spend every free second reading my mag subscriptions and thinking of ways to incorporate the pieces that inspire me into my every day life- I truly believe when you look good, you feel good…

“Happy, happy fashion – there is not much more to it than that,” – Marc Jacobs


*Please submit any additional comments and suggestions to arcadia@thepowderroomblog.com.

All images on The Powder Room Blog are available on the internet and believed to be in a public domain. If you believe any content on this web site infringes upon your copyright, please notify me with the information pertaining to the infringing content and it will be removed as soon as possible.

12 responses to “About

  1. Kate

    I love it!! I am so excited for you… I will be visiting often!

  2. Brittany

    I am supremely jealous that you got to quit the cubicle! 🙂 Your fabulous new life is about to start! I can’t wait to hear about what you try at Sephora next…

  3. sara

    i love you! honestly you are the best!

  4. Alison

    Love, love, love! Congrats!

  5. Lina Garcia

    awesome decision!! cant wait to read more stories!! miss you!

  6. Sabrina

    Yayy I can’t wait to read the next one 🙂

  7. Sarah

    I’m enthralled! You are amazing in every way!

  8. Gabrielle

    OMG…I love it…you have inspired me to take on a project that i am truly passionate about. Hence Fashion… I will be following your blog and look forward to see whats going on next:)

  9. Heidi

    Good for you sweetie!!!
    Best of luck!

  10. arcadiapowderroom


    I subscribed to your site- very cool. Thanks!

  11. Alison


    You’re fabulous! This is a great little blog site you have created. You should have a column in a fashion mag.
    How do I subscribe?


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