Monthly Archives: August 2010

Black and Tan

Who says I can’t wear black and brown together? I do it all the time! You have to be sure to mix black with lighter to medium shades of brown- think: tan.. cognac…or rich browns. That way the contrast is more severe. Stay away from mixing a dark brown and black, not only is it ugly but that’s probably how the “no black and brown rule” was established. 😉

Notice the shoes too!


Filed under fashion, Style, trends

Sock Couture

We’ve seen the “sock trend” all over the runways- my favorite: Marc Jacobs (of course). It started with the Spring/Summer shows and is now a full-blown “trend to try” this fall according to InStyle Magazine. Don’t  be alarmed, I’m not talking about the Madonna lime-green socks with pumps we saw in the “Borderline” video (although I’m not knocking it-she can do no wrong). I mean subtle, neutral shades- the key is to keep it simple.

I had no desire to try this trend- that was until Kate told me what she was wearing today… socks with heels! A black pencil skirt and a gray top. My first thought was a little panic and I quickly responded “what!?” and made her send me a photo. I absolutely LOVED it. Kate has the ability to take a risky runway look like this one and flawlessly translate it to a “real-life” look. I totally admire her daring fashion sense- I’ll be wearing socks with my heels this week!

Would you rock the sock trend?

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Filed under accessories, beauty, fashion, Style, trends