Category Archives: Life

Gym Motivation

After having a baby and being cooped up in my apartment for a month I’ve decided to join the gym again. I ventured out today and felt like something was off… one look in the mirror and I realized what it was- my outfit! So, I decided to make a quick trip to Dicks Sporting Goods for some gym attire. With a fresh pair of kicks and a sweet new outfit I’m already looking forward to my Body Works Plus Abs class tomorrow. Yup! I’m bribing myself with work out clothes, but hey- whatever gets me there, right?

and of course everything is black…

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Filed under Life, Style

Have A Bright and Happy Easter!

Unfortunately I’m too old to have mom buy me my Easter dresses anymore, but what’s Easter without a few new accessories to go with that new dress? Whether it’s church or a family dinner a nice dress and a bright bag is a must. My pick for today is the Furla “Candy” Satchel. It’s fun, bright and a great alternative to your Easter basket! 🙂

Happy Easter to all!

*It was love at first sight at Dillards.

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Filed under fashion, Life, Style

Forecast: Rainy and In Need of Wellies!

It’s Summertime in Florida, and that means thunderstorms on a daily basis. A bit of an inconvenience when you want to wear open-toed shoes to work- not to mention a damper on any type of hairstyle. So while I sit here waiting for the “Severe Thunderstorm Watch” to pass on through I thought to myself; what a perfect reason to buy a new pair of rain boots! I’ll definitely use them for at least two months out of the year, and IF I move back up north it will be perfect for the cold and snowy winters… clearly it’s an investment.

My first pick: Hunters “Original Short Rain Boot” which can be found at Nordstrom’s (best department store EVER)- they’re a little pricey at $115 but like I said- it’s an investment.

Second pick and only because it’s impossible for me to find: Marc by Marc Jacobs rain boot for $28!!!!! Can be found in the “Special Items” section in- stores only. (The closest one to me is in Savannah, any other ones I’ve found online are double the price and not the color I want–totally bummed) Good for you if there’s a Marc Jacobs store near you.

Third pick and reasonably priced: “Beans Wellies” in Navy from L.L. Bean for $59.

So…. the moral of the story is if I have to weather these torrential downpours I may as well do it fashionably- A la Nicole Richie.

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Filed under accessories, fashion, Life, Style, trends

“If You Have To Cry- Go Outside”

Whoever thought I would look forward to Mondays? Of course it’s Monday NIGHT that I’m actually excited about- I’ve been watching Kell On Earth since the premier aired on Feb 1st and I’m hooked. I’m obsessed with Kelly Cutrone-seriously, she’s the epitome of “cool”.  🙂

So… when I found out she had a new book published I had to go get it. I’m pretty sure I thought I would read about her secrets and insight to succeeding in the PR industry, or maybe a way to “toughen up”- after all, the book was called “If You Have To Cry Go Outside and Other Things Your Mother Never Told You.”

To my surprise I never read of any secret tools or ways to be more bad ass. After reading the first chapter I knew that this book was not what i had in mind. Kelly makes it clear on pg 6 stating, “I’m not here to tell you how to get the perfect Margiela wardrobe, the perfect man, or the perfect job in fashion.” she continues… ” I want to help you awaken your inner voice-the voice of your soul- and I want you to use it to chase your destiny” I thought, strange… but I’m intrigued. I continued reading and I absolutely love it. It’s so raw and she really opens up about her life and what she’s been through- down to her $100 a day coke habit!

I certainly found some of her situations and life experiences shocking but it was refreshing to read about her journey and how she got to be one of the biggest names in the PR Fashion industry. It was empowering-just in a different way.

*I should have known it wasn’t a Fashion book because you can find it in the “Self-Help” section of the book store. 🙂


Filed under fashion, Life, Style

Ode To My Uggs

I know, I know…. Uggs are so 2004– I’ve just happened  to form some sort of emotional attachment to mine. I still have the same first pair!

I distinctly remember the day I stopped wearing them out to social functions- I was in the middle of an outfit crisis sometime last year and i decided to go with the “comfy” look. I put them on, I’m ready to walk out and Aaron (the bf) says “aren’t those boots out of style?”.  At first I felt a tinge of anger… the need to defend UGGs, who was he? and what made him think he knew more about fashion than me?? Deep down I knew… I knew the UGG phenomenon had come and gone and I needed to let go.

Needless to say I can’t imagine wearing them out to any social outings but I still wear them around the house when my feet get cold, for my Starbucks coffee runs and to walk HB.

I know they are outdated but I can’t help it! I still LOVE my UGGs… always will.  🙂


Filed under fashion, Life, Style

Know Your Worth

After graduating in December 2007 things have not gone according to my “Master Plan” . As we all know I am still working on finding that “glam” job however in the mean time I have run into a few discouraging situations. I know those of you that have been equally unfortunate and have had to search for a job in this economy understand that after months of searching and many rejections you can’t help but think that it’s a reflection on you personally. It’s very easy to become frustrated and to begin to doubt yourself. I know first hand. However, through all the doubting I was reminded this weekend that it is imperative to “know your worth”.

I agree and think it’s vital to know your worth because not only are job seekers struggling but businesses are too. Unfortunately that will reflect on the hiring process and what employers are willing to offer and ask of their employees. Some of us will take jobs that we are not satisfied with, some of us have taken significant pay cuts to get by, others have been fortunate enough to maintain their current positions. Regardless of the case or situation when I sat there and thought of all my accomplishments and skills I’ve acquired throughtout these years, and what I could offer to a future employer I felt a bit more in control. To know my worth made me feel a bit more empowered.

I bring this topic up because,unfortunately, whether it’s society or my own pressure- I have become obsessed with finding my “dream” job and I’ve forgotten that in the grand scheme of things, our jobs do not determine who we are. (That’s something I’m still working on.)

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Filed under Life

Why did I agree to do this?!

I’m the type of person that likes to conquer my fears (or so I like to think). For some reason I find myself agreeing to do things that I am completely petrified to do. Probably because they are things that prove I’m confident and things that I one day hope to be really good at, but for now…I can definitely admit I am not.

I can’t control the fact that I put myself in this position time and time again. My mouth opens up and I volunteer to take on tasks that I know for a fact give me anxiety! Like public speaking, or say… an online radio show… or cold calling! All things that many people steer clear from because all of the above make you vulnerable to rejection, embarassment and most of all panic attacks.

Today I agreed to take on one of these tasks, and as I sat on my chair, drinking my iced coffee I turn on my computer and it finally hit me! This entails cold calling absolute strangers. It was like I knew what I was getting into the whole time but I didn’t REALLY think I would have to (don’t ask why). Once I realize this my body goes into a state of shock and nervousness kicks in. I break out in hives, I start panicking, a million things run through my head but mostly I always ask myself WHY DID I EVER AGREE TO DO THIS??AND NEVER AGAIN!!

However, I have yet to learn my lesson to stop myself from selflessly volunteering to take on the ‘daring’ jobs and here I sit contemplating what tomorrow will bring- having first a radio interview, and then some more cold calling which I will obsess over for the rest of the night!

I keep hoping it gets easier with every experience… So far, that hasn’t been the case-I still panick.

*On the up-side, once done with these tasks I feel a sense of accomplishment!


Filed under Life