My “Must Have” Boots for the Fall/Winter

While reading through all my publications (mags) this month I came across the most beautiful pair of boots. I’ve been dreaming up these boots in my head for months, and I have finally found them! I know we’ve all experienced that phenomenon where we have the perfect image of what we want- be that shoes, boots a dress or a bag. However, when we finally give in to the urge to shop that vision is never to be found…it’s probably one of the most frustrating feelings in the world.

Well, for once I found it and I have to share it with everyone! The boots are edgy looking and I can dress them up or down. I am already convinced that I NEED these embellished boots- they come in three different colors: black, red and blue. I think I may be a bit more daring this season and get them in blue! What do you think?

blue boots


Filed under Style

8 responses to “My “Must Have” Boots for the Fall/Winter

  1. Alison

    where can we buy them?

  2. Lina Garcia

    I want those boots!! I think you should go wild and get them in blue! I totally agree with that phenomenom, actually I experienced that pnenomenom last week when I found the perfect Michael Korrs bag! It is very weird why we get these visions… on something we really want. sometimes when I go shopping and dont have a vision of something I truly love, I found shopping very hard. love the site by the way!!

  3. Sarah

    I’m thinking I might do red. I love them!

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