Tag Archives: latest trend

90210-Brenda’s Back!

Well… not really but her fashion sense is. The 2010 Spring collections were packed with floral prints, long shoulder bags, bum bags and yes, even cycling shorts! The Brenda Walsh look is back and in a big way. Let’s face it- the 80’s are so last season.

Much like leggings, please do NOT attempt to wear cycling shorts alone. They are meant to be worn under shorter skirts, longer tees or mini dresses. Punch up your skirts, shorts and update your rompers with a floral print, and lastly… if you dare… the bum bag aka “fanny pack”  is back! Of course the new version of the bum bag is made by Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton (he can do no wrong in my eyes). Personally, I will pass on the bum bag and opt for a longer strapped shoulder bag that hits the hip. It’s still retro 90’s- but not overboard. 😉

*This zip detail floral dress can be found at Topshop. $90 topshop.com (compliments of Elle.com)

For more 90’s inspiration click on the links below:





Filed under fashion, Style

I’m Going Green!

I know it’s fall so we should all be transitioning into darker shades of polish… but I seriously think we should all just go green! I’ve seen this polish in a few magazines, and it was the one ‘pop’ of color showcased aside the traditional black and white look at the Chanel Fall 2009 runway. The Chanel Jade Collection is fabulous because it’s a change from the usual “vampy” fall colors and it just looks edgier–a bit pricey for nail polish (around $25) but sooo worth it!


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Filed under fashion, Style