Tag Archives: self

Know Your Worth

After graduating in December 2007 things have not gone according to my “Master Plan” . As we all know I am still working on finding that “glam” job however in the mean time I have run into a few discouraging situations. I know those of you that have been equally unfortunate and have had to search for a job in this economy understand that after months of searching and many rejections you can’t help but think that it’s a reflection on you personally. It’s very easy to become frustrated and to begin to doubt yourself. I know first hand. However, through all the doubting I was reminded this weekend that it is imperative to “know your worth”.

I agree and think it’s vital to know your worth because not only are job seekers struggling but businesses are too. Unfortunately that will reflect on the hiring process and what employers are willing to offer and ask of their employees. Some of us will take jobs that we are not satisfied with, some of us have taken significant pay cuts to get by, others have been fortunate enough to maintain their current positions. Regardless of the case or situation when I sat there and thought of all my accomplishments and skills I’ve acquired throughtout these years, and what I could offer to a future employer I felt a bit more in control. To know my worth made me feel a bit more empowered.

I bring this topic up because,unfortunately, whether it’s society or my own pressure- I have become obsessed with finding my “dream” job and I’ve forgotten that in the grand scheme of things, our jobs do not determine who we are. (That’s something I’m still working on.)

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