Tag Archives: shampoo

Oscar Blandi is my favorite!

If anyone has been fortunate enough to have discovered ‘dry shampoo’ years ago–consider yourself lucky. Maybe I just missed the memo but since I discovered Oscar Blandi’s ‘dry shampoo’ powder, I can’t stop using it or talking about it!! I carry the ‘travel size’ bottle in my bag and I have been known to demonstrate how it magically gives my hair volume during various types of social gatherings. I’m not sure that it’s appropriate- but I just want to share it with every one I meet!

Since I was introduced to Oscar I have shaved at least 30 minutes from my morning prep-time! That is precious sleeping time and anyone that is not a morning person will surely benefit from a little Oscar. It absorbs the excess oil so that you don’t need to wash your hair everyday (because that’s bad for your hair anyway).

I find that my hair usually looks best the second or even the third day after washing it-as long as I use Oscar. I prefer the powder because when you use the spray it wets your hair and you have to wait until it dries to “fluff” or style-which just takes way too long for my liking.

* I always get mine at Sephora



Filed under beauty